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    ESKADENIA focuses on implementing the right standards and policies to maintain the quality of all their projects. The ESKADENIA projects fall under two main categories.

    • Development Projects Projects that result in new products and services, requiring a substantial amount of coding and development. Some of these new development projects are sometimes referred to as Change Requests, which are requests made by clients for a new feature on an existing system.   
    • Deployment Projects Projects that require the installation of off-the-shelf products in the client’s server. They usually require some level of customization, which is referred to as Gaps.

    Project phases and software development lifecycle

    All ESKADENIA projects go through detailed phases to ensure the quality and success of a product. The main phases of ESKADENIA’s software lifecycle can be divided into the following.

    • Initiation phase
      The initiation phase is the first phase in the project life cycle. Once a decision is made to develop/deploy a product, the initiation phase begins. The project is kicked off and stakeholders are identified.
    • Planning phase
      During the planning phase, the project manager (PM) works towards identifying the project timeline and cost for any engagement, measurement, configurable items, work approach, roles and responsibilities and reporting. The PM will also establish the policies and procedures that will govern the project. This will all be communicated to the project’s team, with a committed scope, plan and requirements.
    • Definition & analysis phase
      The business analyst will create requirements at this phase, where it will be modelled, validated, reviewed, approved and logged into TFS. Keeping track of all requirements is essential to control possible changes.
    • Design phase
      Designers will design the user interface and identify the software architecture. Any testing will then be planned, and test scenarios are identified, where all test scenarios and cases will be linked with the requirements.
    • Development phase 
      The goal of the Development Phase is to develop the system objects and components. Once the system objects have been developed, they are integrated to form a working application. Some development work may continue into the testing phase, depending on the results of initial testing. Any coding should adhere to the internal coding standards. Remember to ask your supervisor for the coding standards document.
    • The main activities in this phase include:

      • 1. Environment preparation
      • 2. Coding and Unit Testing
      • 3. Code review 
    • Testing phase
      The testing phase is when the test scenarios are executed by following the different test types. Bugs are logged into TFS and linked with test cases. Test cases can be passed, failed or not executed. Regression testing is implemented once bugs have been mitigated, to ensure everything was done correctly. At the end of this phase, several reports are submitted to the stakeholders providing statistical information about the detected bugs.
    • Deployment phase
      The deployment phase consists of the following steps:
      • 1. Installation guide
        Provides step by step instructions, which guides the installer through the installation process.
      • 2. Operation and maintenance
        Operation and maintenance describe in detail how to configure and deploy the system and integrate it with other third parties platform.
      • 3. User manual
        User Manual includes the information needed to work with the system.
      • 4. Training guide
        The training guide is a document that explains the system and how to use it.
      • 5. Release note The release note document lists functionalities available within a certain release, highlighting bugs and changes.
      • 6. Closure phase
        The closure phase is important to finalize the project’s activities and obtain acceptance from the clients. At the end of the project, the team members will evaluate any points worth discussing, as well as any measures collected throughout all the project phases.

    Monitoring the projects

    All project team members are expected to collaborate with the PM in order to achieve the following.

    • Identify the risks, monitor them and take the needed actions to mitigate/prevent the risks.
    • Identify issues, log them, monitor them and lead them to closure.
    • Provide the PM with any needed statistics, such as effort and time spent on completing tasks and the number of bugs.
    • Provide consistent status reporting to monitor progress of the projects.


    ESKADENIA understands the best way to control and achieve high quality products and results are by implementing measurement standards. The PM will identify the measures that need to be collected at the beginning of each new project.
    The measures collected usually consists of the following:

    • Schedule Performance Indicator (SPI). Used to measure whether the team has achieved the results required and whether everything was delivered on time or not.
    • Bug analysisUsed to study any detected bugs and what are the root causes of the bugs.
    • Compliance reports. Used to measure compliance standards of the CMMI and any other defined standards.